Jovi De Croock

Software Engineer

GraphQL Persisted Operations

In GraphQL there's an infinite amount of possible operations that you can create and send to your server, this introduces a few concerns:

  • API Abuse (depth, breath, ... of operations)
  • Carrying over wisdom from REST/... becomes hard

In REST we have a finite set of operations which yields an isolated result, i.e. if I ask for a GET /todo/1 I will know that I will get 1 todo or a 404 back from the server. In the above we are saying that GraphQL has an unlimited amount of paths and the paths that will be asked for aren't predictable.

This however already has a solution in GraphQL, the core principle of this approach is that instead of sending our stringified GraphQL document over the wire we'll send a hash of the GraphQL document, our server will take this hash and know that it's dealing with a certain document. In Relay we call this Persisted Queries and in Apollo we have a similar principle in Automatic Persisted Queries (APQ).

The differences between APQ and Persisted Queries start in how this contract is established, in Relay we'll let the compiler do the work. The compiler will go through all the documents it can find and create md5 hashes out of them. This will give you a mapping that can be used on both the server and client so the client knows what hash to send and the server so it knows what the hash means. This is ultimately very locked down as now external people can't abuse your API as they would need the MD5 hash and would only be able to run those operations.

With Automatic Persisted Queries we are dealing with a handshake protocol, there is no compilation/... going on. The document gets hashed at runtime, when the server receives the request it will check whether it knows what the hash means and when it doesn't it will send a specific error message PersistedQueryNotFound when the client receives this as a response it will send the stringified GraphQL document alongside the hash and the server can learn the association that way.

The Automatic part trades off the "locking down your API" part for convenience, we are not locking down our API to a set of paths that we can expect. However sending the hashes is still a lot better for both Caching as well as just general lower request payload sizes.

Persisted operations in practice

We have seen that Relay can do this for us but so can urql and GraphQL-Yoga, let's take a look how we can do this with this stack:

Let's start on the client, we'll use urql with the @urql/exchange-persisted-operations

npm i --save urql graphql @urql/exchange-persisted
npm i --save-dev @graphql-codegen/cli

we will add a configuration for graphql-codegen

import { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'

const config: CodegenConfig = {
  documents: ['./**/*.{ts,tsx}'],
  ignoreNoDocuments: true,
  generates: {
    './gql/': {
      preset: 'client',
      plugins: [],
      presetConfig: {
        persistedDocuments: true,

export default config

This will make it so that our front-end outputs a persisted-documents.json file which maps a hash to the respective operation. Additionally the operations it generates for our front-end will have a pre-computed hash, this gets us a lot closer to the Relay workflow.

For our urql configuration we'll need to replace the default fetchExchange with the one to support persisted-operations.

urql is very extensible, even the cache is an exchange which is their kind of plugin

import { createClient, cacheExchange } from '@urql/core'
import { persistedExchange } from '@urql/exchange-persisted'

const client = new createClient({
  exchanges: [
      // We want to use GET so we can optimise for caching/...
      preferGetForPersistedQueries: true,
      // We don't want to use the automatic type
      enforcePersistedQueries: true,
      // We want all our operations to be a persisted operation
      enableForMutation: true,
      generateHash: (_, document) => {
        // we need to return a promise, GraphQL Code Generator
        // will have added this as a property to the document.
        return Promise.resolve(document.__meta__.hash)

Now urql knows what hashes to send and that it has to send all operations as persisted. All that's left now is to make our GraphQL Server accept these as well.

we'll need a few packages on the server

npm i graphql-yoga @graphql-yoga/plugin-persisted-operations

We'll also need the file that we generated through GraphQL codegen on our front-end.

import { createYoga, createSchema } from 'graphql-yoga'
import { createServer } from 'node:http'
import fs from 'node:fs'
import { usePersistedOperations } from '@graphql-yoga/plugin-persisted-operations'

// You could even go as far as already pre-parsing all of these
const persistedOperations = JSON.parse(
  fs.readFileSync('./persisted-operations.json', 'utf-8')
const store = persistedOperations

const yoga = createYoga({
  schema: createSchema({
    typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ `
      type Query {
        hello: String!
  plugins: [
      // We assume that these operations are all valid
      skipDocumentValidation: true,
      getPersistedOperation(hash) {
        return store[hash]

const server = createServer(yoga)
server.listen(4000, () => {'Server is running')

Now there are optimisations to be had here by for instance making the operations dynamically added to the server so that we can deploy from independent repositories and don't need the file generated by a front-end in specific so that we can support a mobile app and a web app, ... In the yoga docs you will find information about external stores.

Introducing persisted-operations sets you up for caching like we had in classic REST-endpoints, however purging caches will remain an issue. Setting up good observability and metrics for persisted-operations can also prove challenging as you will need to atleast include the operationName of the operation so you can track it.

This is personally one of my ideal workflows because of the security and performance it enables. It however includes a condiderable amount of testing and setup.

Go check out GraphQL Code Generator, GraphQL Yoga and urql


One of the things that bother me personally is that the lack of a formal spec for printing operations can bite this distributed writing quite a bit. GraphQL is very lean on how to delimit selections etc the following queries are basically the same.

{todos{ id }}
query {
  todos {
query {
  todos:todos {

Having a format that we agree on for printing these for persisted operations would simplify this process. Additionally we have seen md5 hashes as well as SHA-256 hashes. Using one tool like GraphQL codegen helps here but versions could still give a missmatch.

A lot of GraphQL clients use __typename for their caches, the issue here being that we have to add __typename to each SelectionSet we do in a document (or we add an extra plugin to graphql-codegen to do this for us.), otherwise our client-side cache could start missbehaving, in Relay this is done for us by the optimising compiler. GraphQL Codegen addressed this now with this PR adding a plugin to solve this issue.

Last but not least you will have to agree on a workflow for dev as you could just write every time to the external store, or if it's in the same repository set up a watcher for the file but you could also leverage a built-in allow for arbitrary operations in Yoga and set enforcePersistedQueries to false in urql.

Update: after this post I decided to write an RFC for GraphQL-Over-HTTP so we can make Persisted Operations a widely accepted concept.